2021 -
2018 - 2020
October 15, 2020
Jongpyo Jun and Jaehwi Seol were awarded Best Video Presentation Award at 2020 ICCAS.
Our lab members, Jongpyo and Jaehwi were awarded Best Video Presentationr Award for the paper entitled "A Novel End-effector for Tomato Harvesting Robot: Mechanism and Evaluation" at 2020 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Pusan, South Korea.
August 19, 2020
Jeong In Kim was awarded Outstanding Undergraduate Student Paper Award at 2020 ICROS Annual Conference.
Our lab member, Jeong In was awarded Outstanding Undergraduate Student Paper Award for the paper entitled "Development of Deep Learning-based Tomato Detection and Manipulator Control System for Tomato Harvesting Robot" at 2020 ICROS Annual Conference, Sokcho, South Korea.
April 26, 2020
New Grants from MAFRA
New grants was awarded for new project "Development of Greenhouse Cucumber Harvesting Robot" for 3 years from MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair).
Please see "Research-Funded Projects" page for details.
December 26, 2019
Two New Grants from RDA
Two new grants were awarded for new projects "Analysis of non-adapting patterns of honeybees according to climate changing environment" and "Development of technologies for the contamination prevention and the discriminant analysis of unpredictable hazard materials" both for 4 years from RDA (Rural Development Administration).
Please see "Research-Funded Projects" page for details.
November 4-8, 2019
Our works were presented at INWEPF-PAWEES 2019 International Conference, Seoul, Korea and IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Macau, China.
Please see "Resources-Gallery" page for details.
August 28, 2019
Two papers were accepted for the publication.
Two papers were accepted for the publication in IEEE Access and IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
June 15, 2019
IEEE Access Associate Editor appointment and IEEE Senior Member elevation
Prof. Son was elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member. Also, he was appointed Associate Editor of IEEE Access.
May 16, 2019
Two papers were presented at 2019 ICROS Annual Conference and Jeongeun Kim was awarded WISET-ICROS Young Researcher Award at the conference.
Two papers were presented by Jeongeun and Jaehwi at 2019 ICROS Annual Conference, Gyeongju, South Korea. And Jeongeun was awarded WISET-ICROS Young Researcher Award for the paper entitled "A Voronoi-based Task Allocation for Multiple Spraying Robots in Orchard".
May 11, 2019
HRA lab. website is updated!
HRA lab. website is newly updated. Especially, many videos and photos were uploaded in Research and Gallery pages.
May 10, 2019
Five papers were presented at 2019 KSAM Spring Conference and Jeongeun Kim received Outstanding Paper Award at the conference.
Five papers were presented by Prof. Son, Chanyoung, Jeongeun, Jaehwi, and Hyeonjeong at KSAM (Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery) 2019 Spring Conference, Gyeongsang National University, South Korea. Among them, Jeongeun was awarded Outstanding Paper Award for the paper entitled "A Voronoi-based Workspace Segmentation for Collaboration of Multiple Spraying Robots in Orchard".
May 1, 2019
New Grants from MOTIE
New grants was awarded for new project "Development of Robot Systems and Operation Procedures for Unmanned Automation on Monitoring, Spray, Harvest, and Movement in Horticulture" for 3 years from MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy).
March 10, 2019
New Grants from MOTIE
New grants was awarded for new project "The Development of High Skilled and Innovative Manpower to Lead the Innovation based on Robot" for 5 years from MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy).
October 19, 2018
Seungwon Kim and Chanyoung Ju were awarded Outstanding Paper Award at 2018 KSAM Autumn Conference.
Our lab members, Seungwon Kim and Chanyoung Ju were awarded Outstanding Paper Award for the paper entitled "Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based Active Tracking and Mapping System of Small Insect" among 220 papers at KSAM (Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery) 2018 Autumn Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
October 11, 2018
Our Lab. Members won a 2nd Prize in Autonomous Vehicle Competition
Our lab members, Jeongeun, Seungwon, Jaehwi, Hyeonjung, Juhee, Eunhye, and Inbeon in undergraduate course won a 2nd Prize in Autonomous Vehicle Competition, Yeongyeong-gun Office e-mobility Expo Bureau.
July 1, 2018
New Grants from NRF
New grants was awarded for new project "Development of Soft Gripper for Tomato Harvesting in Green House" for 7 months from NRF.
May 18, 2018
New Grants from NRF
New grants was awarded for new project "A Study on Autonomous Cooperation for Heterogeneous Agricultural Field Robots" for 5 years from NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea).
1 April, 2018
Founding Chair of ICROS Technical Committee on Agricultural and Construction Robotics
Prof. Son was appointed as a founding chair of the ICROS Technical Committee on Agricultural and Construction Robotics (TCACR). First activity of TCACR will be launched in ICROS 2018 conference, Buan, Republic of Korea by organizing an organized session on agricultural and construction robotics.
December 20, 2024
Congratulations Yonghyun Park on successful PhD defense!
Yonghyun Park has successfully defended his PhD thesis, entitled "Human-centered Control Framework for Dual-arm Agricultural Robot". Congratulations Yonghyun!
December 7, 2024
Celebrating the HRA Lab's 10th Anniversity!
The HRA Lab., Human-centered Robotics and Automation Laboratory is celebrating a significant milestone this year as it approaches its 10th anniversary.
October 30, 2024
New Grants from MOTIE
New grants was awarded for new project "Development of AI Autonomous Manufacturing System for the Production Process of High-Difficulty Curved Ship Blocks" for 39 months from MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy).
Please see "Research-Funded Projects" page for details.
February 20, 2024
Our Lab. Members won Outstanding Paper Award at ICROS-KRoS 2023 Joint Conference and 2024 COLOSS Asia International Conference.
Our paper entitled "Field Evaluation of a Prioritized Path-Planning Algorithm for Heterogeneous Agricultural Tasks of Multi-UGVs" by lab member, Yuseong won Outstanding Paper Award at ICROS-KRoC 2023 Joint Conference, Gunsan, South Korea. And the paper entitled "Development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-based Wasp Tracking and Habitat Search Technology" by Bosung and Jeonghyeon also won Outstanding Paper Award at 2024 COLOSS Asia International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
November 3, 2023
Our Lab. Members won Outstanding Student Paper Award at KSAM 2023 Autumn Conference.
Our paper entitled "Development of A Novel Analysis System of Temporal-Spatial Spraying Characteristic for Precise Aerial Spraying" by lab members, Jaehwi, Changjo, and Eunji won Outstanding Student Paper Award at the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery (KSAM ) 2023 Autumn Conference, Yeosu, South Korea.
Jnue 2, 2023
Our Lab. Members won Best Paper Award at the Workshop on Task-Informed Grasping IV, ICRA 2023.
Our paper entitled "A Suction Cup-based Soft Robotic Gripper for Cucumber Harvesting: Design and Validation" by lab members, Yuseung and Yonghyun won Best Paper Award at the Workshop on Task-Informed Grasping IV: Agri-Food Robotics–From Farm to Fork at the 2023 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023), London, UK.
April 28, 2023
Our Lab. Members won Outstanding Student Paper Award at KSAM 2023 Spring Conference.
Our paper entitled "Cucumber Pedicel Detection based on Computer Vision for Robust Visual Servoing of Harvesting Robot: Field Evaluation" by lab members, Changjo and Yonghyun won Outstanding Student Paper Award at the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery (KSAM ) 2023 Spring Conference, Daejeon, South Korea.
March 26, 2023
New Grants from RDA
New grants was awarded for new project "Development of Digital Management Technology for Pest of Varroa Destructor and Vespa for Climate Change Adaption" for 45 months from RDA (Rural Development Administration).
Please see "Research-Funded Projects" page for details.
March 1, 2023
New Grants from NRF
New grants was awarded for new project "Development of Agricultural Robotics Platform for Digital Agriculture: From Laboratory to Field" for 60 months from NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea).
Please see "Research-Funded Projects" page for details.
July 26, 2022
Several manuscripts in various topics were presented and accepted in conferences and journals, respectively.
Please see "Publications-Conference Papers" and "Publications-Journal Papers" pages for details.
March 1, 2022
Two papers on tracking of small flying insects were accepted in IEEE Access and Entomological Research.
Our works on 'Investigation of an Autonomous Tracking System for Localization of Radio-Tagged Flying Insects' and 'Field Evaluation of UAV-based Tracking Method for Localization of Small Insects' were accepted in IEEE Access and Entomological Research, respectively.
Please see "Publications-Journal Papers" page for details.
November 26, 2021
Two papers were accepted in Precision Agriculture and IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
Our works on 'A Deep Learning-based Intelligent Spraying Robot with Flow Control' and 'A Hybrid Systems-based Hierarchical Control Architecture' were accepted in Precision Agriculture and IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, respectively.
Please see "Publications-Journal Papers" page for details.
November 26, 2021
Our Lab. Members won a 1st and 4th Prizes in Research Project Competitions
Our work on Intelligent Spraying System for an orchard by lab members, Chanyoung, Jeongeun, and Jaehwi won a 1st Prize among 330 teams in Industry-University Research Project Challenge organized by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. And the research on Autonomous Driving System for Smartfarm by lab members, Jaehwi, Jeonghyeon, Yu Seong, and Changjo won a 4th Prize among 760 teams in X-Coprs Research Festival organized by Ministry of Science and ICT.
September 7, 2021
One paper was published in Information Sciences.
Our work on heterogeneous field robots was published in Information Sciences.
Please see "Publications-Journal Papers" page for details.
July 16, 2021
Associate Editor, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Prof. Son was appointed Associate Editor of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
June 24, 2021
Many Field Experiments
Recently, we ran many field experiments for various research projects.
Please see "Resource-Photos" page for details.
April 16, 2021
New Grants from MAFRA
New grants was awarded for new project "Development of Monitoring, Fruit Thinning and Harvesting Robot for Hydroponic" for 45 months from MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs)
Please see "Research-Funded Projects" page for details.